Riattiva la tua iscrizione all’IFA
Persone Fisiche
€ 155/anno
- Register for the Annual Congress at a reduced rate;
- One set of the annual publications (“Cahiers de Droit Fiscal International” in book form) containing the General reports on the main subjects to be discussed at the Congress, and all Branch reports in digital format;
- Access to the secured part of the website (ifa.nl) which contains the digital database of Cahiers de Droit Fiscal (from 1980 to 2020), a database of Congress documents, research papers and other documents of interest;
- Subscription to IFA’s newsletter;
- Possibility to participate in Branch and Regional activities.
Under 30
€ 78/anno
- Dedicated to those who are 29 years old on 1 January of the enrollment year
- Register for the Annual Congress at a reduced rate;
- One set of the annual publications (“Cahiers de Droit Fiscal International” in book form) containing the General reports on the main subjects to be discussed at the Congress, and all Branch reports in digital format;
- Access to the secured part of the website (ifa.nl) which contains the digital database of Cahiers de Droit Fiscal (from 1980 to 2020), a database of Congress documents, research papers and other documents of interest;
- Subscription to IFA’s newsletter;
- Possibility to participate in Branch and Regional activities.
Persone Giuridiche
€ 260/anno
- Registration of two delegates for the Annual Congress at a reduced rate;
- Two sets of the annual publications (“Cahiers de Droit Fiscal International” in book form) containing the General reports on the main subjects to be discussed at the Congress and all Branch reports in digital format;
- Access to the secured part of the website (ifa.nl) which contains the digital database of Cahiers de Droit Fiscal (from 1980 to 2020), a database of Congress documents, research papers and other documents of interest;
- Subscription to IFA’s monthly newsletter;
- Possibility to participate in Branch and Regional activities.